

Cashmere Community Church Newsletter

Reach us at:          

and/or 509-782-3811

Opportunities This Month

“Learning to celebrate joy is one of the great practices of the spiritual life.”  

-Joan Chittister

First Sunday – 11 am Worship & Communion

1st Monday 

2nd Sunday  – 11 am Worship 

2nd Wednesday
11 am Service at our 9/11 Spirit of America Memorial at Riverside Park. All are welcome.

3rd Sunday –   11 am Worship
All are welcome to Intergenerational Church.
Skit: Fruits of the Spirit go to School

4th Sunday  Stone Soup Sunday –

11 am Worship  with Dr. June Darling presenting Braver Angel: Bridging the Divide,  How to Find Areas of Agreement in the Political Divide.

5th Sunday – Music, Music, Music!

Looking Ahead:  

on October 27th in our Sanctuary,  Vice Principal, Jon Shelby will be speaking on Restorative Justice and Application at Cashmere Middle School.

Pastor’s Message

Friends and members of Cashmere Community Church;

Good day to each of you!

Twenty-three years! It’s hard to believe that’s how many years had passed since after the bombing of the World Trade Center. A tragedy that had not only altered our lifestyle and way of being here in America but also around the globe. The tragic event brought to light the two sides of the coin: on one side, love and unity, and on the other side, hatred and vengeance. Love and unity was forged amongst us all Americans to show the world that when we stand together nothing will or can topple us down. That, we might fall yet we get back up stronger and mightier. But, also the ugly side of indifference toward the “others” – those that are perceived to be not of worth of any of the good and great opportunities this Great Country possesses and offers. Fear, anger, hatred, callous and outright cold treatment of all people that represents the race of the 9/11 perpetuator, and by extension to all non-white skin people. And, twenty-three years later, America continues to experience this same problem. Unity, even for our common good seems to be so far fetch and removed in the fabric of our society.

It used to be thought of that churches are the go-to institution to seek alliances and help to foster love and unity. But, I guess churches (we) have lost that accolade, ‘too. ( A big sigh).

Our little (but mighty) group here at Cashmere Community Church has taken a gigantic step to become and be known as a church that cares for all. Taking the Great Commandment from the Lord Jesus himself as our North Star, we take our daily living as a petri dish to practice love, compassion, kindness, and acceptance – not only among us here in the church, but to all people we encounter daily. We’ve also joined groups that made their goal to promote kindness and unity. We’re not there yet…but, I know we’re inching forward.

In the next couple of months, I/we will be joining hundreds of United Methodist Churches here in United States to focus our Sunday messages on the Golden Rule to prod each other to foster compassion and kindness to each other, and specially to those we normally see as different than and from us.

See you all at the church worship, Sundays @11:00 a.m. to 12:15 noon time. A meaningful, fun-filled coffee hour follows after.  Come, and bring a friend as well.

God loves you and so do I!

Pastor Lilia

Prayers, Concerns & Joys

  • Curtis_Adamson.jpg Curtis Adamson, 59, died on August 7. Prayers of comfort for his grandmother, Marjorie Farrens, and his family. A remembrance  gathering was held on August 17 in East Wenatchee.
  • Stephen L. Schroeder obituary, Yakima, WA Rev. Stephen Schroeder died August 15Steve was previously pastor at Methow Valley UMC and our District Superintendent. His service will be Saturday, September 14, 2024, at 1 p.m. at Yakima: Wesley United Methodist Church.
  • Gloria_Reichmann.jpg Gloria Reichmann,84, died at Harborview Hospital on August 18 after suffering a major stroke on the 15th.  Viewing will be September 5th, 4 – 7 pm  at Jones & Jones/Betts; Rosary to follow at 7 pm.  A Funeral Mass will be held at 11 am Friday, September 6 at Holy Apostles Church in East Wenatchee followed by burial at the Cashmere Cemetery. 
  • Healing prayers for Julie Ryan, Carolyn Meade,   Brian Landes, Nate Robinson, Ric Evans, John & Deb Olmstead, Angie Pipkin
  • Julie Ryan underwent a pacemaker implant at Virginia Mason Hospital in Seattle on August 22.  Then was called back on the 28th for more testing. Prayers for good health!

Palmer Reece Worthen celebrated her first birthday in August with parents Wes and Kalie. 


 4 Finna Jo Gillikin

 5 Dan McConnell

 6 Nadine Pusel

11 Gabrielle Kennedy

13 Kim Kennedy

14 Bryce & Keegan McMahon age 8

17 Don Larson

19 Cheryl Maher

24 Bon F. Malana

Marjorie Farrens age 99

28 Sam Parker

29 Lilia Felicitas-Malana

30 Noralee Flaget

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!

“September tries its best 

   to have us forget summer.” 

-Bernard Williams

Community Meals

    Kiwanis Club Wacoka August 29, 2024         Vicki Hobbs, Larry Meade           The Line

Compassion Circle

A Letter from Clare East

Dear Friend,

I was sitting in our beautiful Cashmere Community Church this morning, listening to Dorene play that wonderful baby grand piano. The sun was shining through the stained-glass windows making them almost come to life and I was wondering where you were.  I have missed you!  

I am not sure if you remember what a peaceful and gorgeous facility we have here in Cashmere.  If you have been to the Thursday evening dinners, you know how great our kitchen and eating space is and what a great place for large gatherings. Also, a perfect spot for weddings, seminars, memorials etc. We have rooms galore for small meetings and the fellowship room with the mini kitchen is just a perfect spot for a medium size group. 

I wanted to tell you the best part of Cashmere Community Church and that is our pastor and the congregation.  We are blessed to have our Pastor Lilia in the pulpit.  She is such an inspiring speaker and her messages about our Savior always hits the mark.  She is a beautiful and compassionate person that always is available to listen and give great perspective on all our daily problems whether they be big or small ones.  I cannot find enough good words to describe what a difference she has made in my life and many other’s lives.  

The congregation here is such a welcoming group of folks.  They make everyone, that comes in the door, a friend.  I love everyone of them and never want to miss a Sunday service and fellowship time after service. 

I cannot forget to tell you about the delicious Thursday evening community dinners…. they are not only about eating but the fun of gathering with old and new neighbors.  Each week I meet someone new and interesting. Plus, I do not have to cook on Thursday evenings.  

We all got out of the habit of getting together for church and other activities during the Covid period, but I am glad to be out and about once again, and I am sure you do too. 

I expect by now you have figured out that I feel happy to be part of Cashmere Community church and wish I could see you there beside me on Sunday mornings.  You know the service starts at 11:00 a.m. so you do not have to get out of bed too early.

You have been missed…Come back soon and join me reading, listening and singing the praises of God and enjoy his love that abounds here.  

Most sincerely,


Stewardship & Finance

     When Jesus spoke the truth, it was often in the context of a story, parable, or symbol.  Consider for example Jesus warning about treasures Matthew 6:19-21

     Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 

     This is a very earthly take on deep spiritual issues.  The stewardship lesson is that Jesus is not promising that we can take treasure to heaven.  But he is telling us that our use of money in this life will either work against us or for us!

From Finance for the month of July 2024

Our church offering for the month of August 2024 was  $4,986 and year to date  $42,523

Our church offering for the month of August 2023 was  $4,778 and year to date  $47,129

Our insurance bill for the year is paid in full and our apportionments are current.  Our total offerings for the year plus the money from Monitor for Pastor sharing total $69,555.  The community meal continues to provide both a great meal and companionship.  The essential pantry serves around 50 families twice a month.  Our church continues being an asset to the Cashmere community.  It is wonderful to see so many children in church each Sunday.  Thank you for your continued support!                    -Tony Wright, Treasurer

Martin’s Market Sales Receipts

Are you saving your receipts from Martin’s Market and bringing them to church? Put them in the basket in the Narthex and Chelsea Evans will pick them up, add them up and submit them to Martin’s. Thanks, Chelsea!

Message from Our Church Secretary 

Dear Friends of CCC;

I have been getting emails back from addresses ending in “” and it began happening recently.  The emails have been blocked.  This issue needs to be looked at by your internet service provider, since this has happened before from customers.

Thank you for your help.


Vicki Helms, your church secretary

September 2024
111 am Worship & Communion Coffee Hour2Labor Day310 am SAILS
5 pm Compassion Circle
4510 am SAILS

5 pm CommunityMeal
811 am Worship Coffee Hour94 pm Board of Vision & Ministry1010 am SAILS
5 pm Compassion Circle
112 – 3 pm Essentials Pantry3 pm River St. Food Bank1210 am SAILS

5 pm CommunityMeal
1511 am Inter-GenerationalWorship/SkitCoffee Hour161710 am SAILS
5 pm Compassion Circle
181910 am SAILS
5 pm CommunityMeal
2211 am Stone Soup Worship
Braver AngelCoffee Hour
232410 am SAILS
5 pm Compassion Circle
252 – 3 pm Essentials Pantry3 pm River St. Food Bank2610 am SAILS
5 pm CommunityMeal
2911 am 5th Sunday Worship
Music, Music, Coffee Hour
30October 1

Cashmere Community Church

213 South Division Street

Cashmere WA 98815

Pastor Lilia Felicitas-Malana

11 am Worship for All Address Correction Requested

September 2024


Mt Cashmere

“There are many paths to the top of the mountain,

but only one view.”

-Harry Millner


Cashmere Community Church Newsletter

Reach us at:          

and/or 509-782-3811

Things to Do This Month

“We are meant to be joyful because life itself is good.”

-Joan Chittister

First Sunday – VBS Kickoff with Steve & Crew leading our Combined Worship at 10:30 am at Cashmere Presbyterian Church. You are invited and encouraged to attend.  

6 pm Ice Cream Social outside at the Presbyterian Church to meet and greet the M. V. Youth Team.   

2nd Sunday  – 11 am Worship 

3rd Sunday –   11 am   “The Fruit of the Spirit’s Not a Coconut” and VBS highlights.
All are welcome to Intergenerational Church.

4th Sunday  Stone Soup Sunday –

11 am Worship   

Bridging the Political Divide: Loving Our “Enemies” – a video, discussion, and compassion practice.

July 8 – 12  Led by the Maple Valley Team

Registration at 9 am on Monday for the young set. Hours 9:30 – 11:30 am the rest of the week at Cashmere Community Church.  Youth meet in the evenings at Cashmere Presbyterian Church

Pastor’s Message

Summer greetings friends and members of Cashmere Community Church;

I trust and hope that you all are enjoying the events and opportunities the summer season brings. Few things that I would like to share with you in this month’s newsletter:

There will be NO COMMUNITY MEAL this coming Thursday, July 4, 2024. We’re calling it FAMILY DAY. May your celebrations be safe and filled with fun and joy. May the force be with you!!!

Come July 8th thru the 12th, the Maple Valley VBS Team will lead, teach, and guide our children through stories and songs about faith and living as God’s beloved children. July 8, Monday starts with registration at 9:00 a.m. then, Tuesday thru Friday, classes are 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. We accept children K-12. Twelth graders are also highly encourage to join post High School Youth for evening gathering at the Cashmere Presbyterian Church. Times to be announced.

I will be gone from July 24th – August 15th. I will be traveling to the Philippines to visit extended families. While I am away the Rev. JoDene Romeijn-Stout of Leavenworth Community UMC had graciously accepted to be the Pastor-on-Call for emergency Pastoral Care. She can be reached through these phone numbers: (360) 589-0683 – Cell Phone; (509) 548-5619 – Office.

A heartfelt gratitude to God and a deep appreciation of you all for allowing me to continue to serve the Lord through our church and our beloved community. Blessings!

Pastor Lilia

On the first Sunday of August, the 4th, the Rev. Daniel Miranda, Seven Rivers District Superintendent will be the guest preacher and will lead communion as well.

Prayers, Concerns & Joys

  • Healing prayers for Carolyn Meade,  Gary Fredrick, Brian Landes, Nate Robinson, Ric Evans, Deb Olmstead, Angie Pipkin
  • Carolyn Meade had emergency surgery on June 24. She had a low heart rate and had pacemaker installed on Monday. She was feeling “punky”.
  • Curtis Adamson’s cancer is terminal. Prayers of comfort for him and his family.


 3 Sam Darling

 5 Eli John Darling  age 8

 7    Bexley Amerson  age 6

 8 John Helms

 9 Laura Ficker

15 Tami Thomas

16 Karen Bray

17 Candi Jo Bray

25 Kasey Bray  

Charlotte Ringering  

26 Ginny Martin

29 Ruby McConnell

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!

“Summers are incomplete without July
and July can’t breathe without summers.”

Sophia Darling reading the Gospel Lesson on June 16

John Darling & his Father’s Day tie
photos by Karen Bray

Church Personal Growth Award,
Joey Beckmann Pinnacles 2024, end of year ceremony


photos by June Darling

The Youth made and delivered Father’s Day ties to our men.  

Eli Darling, Bishop Hurt – Bishop, Ed Meyer, Eli – Tony Wright Dick Ryan

VBS Sunday, July 7

The Presbyterian Church will host the VBS team at our Worship Service. That service begins at 10:30 AM. A member of Steve Bodwell’s team will preach. Folks from your church are encouraged to join us at CPC for worship.
We will have an “ice cream” social that same Sunday around 6:00 PM. Grace Lutheran will feed the team dinner at their church at 5:00 PM. Afterwards we will have a wide open gathering in our patio space for folks to meet and encourage the team. Our deacons together with members will bring ice cream or dessert items. WE ENCOURAGE ANY METHODISTS OR OTHERS TO BRING A CONTRIBUTION AS WELL (Maple Valley Team is around 40 this year). BUT. . .IT IS NOT REQUIRED FOR ATTENDING AND ENJOYING THE TIME.
In the Beloved,
Pastor Chuck Clarke

Registration begins at 9 am at the church at 213 S. Division. During the following week, July 8 – 12, the younger children will meet during the mornings at Cashmere Community Church and the older youth will meet in the evenings at Cashmere Presbyterian Church. 

Cashmere Middle School Field Trip to Washington DC
photos by Karen Bray

        White House   Karen Bray           United Meth. Church            MLK Jr.

Karen and her granddaughter, Calene Bray, went on this great trip to our Capitol.  You can find more of her photos of Washington D.C. on her Facebook page. Thanks for sharing, Karen!       

Compassion Circle

– Dr. June Darling 
new site:

Greater Good is an organization whose main work is making life more meaningful and rewarding for all. Recently, they have become interested in offering help for bridging the political divide. Here are some snippets from one article.  It includes a few questions that help us all become more self-aware and possibly make some changes in our lives toward connecting with others and enjoying life together, as in “loving our neighbor” if you’ve heard that somewhere before.

We humans have a deeply rooted tendency to organize ourselves into groups: You’re either one of Us or part of Them. But research suggests those categories are not fixed. We can expand our sense of Us and see Them in a new light.

Bridging those differences often requires a mix of intention, the right social conditions, and specific skills, but studies show that it is possible—and that doing so will enrich our lives and communities.

How open are you to connecting with different kinds of people? How skilled are you at expanding your social circle beyond people who seem most like you? How comfortable are you with disagreement with people whose views differ from your own?

And the good news is if you are looking for a place to practice your bridging skills, the weekly community meal is ideal! Also, a movie that John and I have watched a couple of times which inspires us and gives us hope is Best of Enemies (available on Amazon Prime). Let there be love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control and let it start with us…and it already has right here in Cashmere Washington, the compassion capitol of the world (just a little healthy grandiosity and humor and wishful thinking).

Stewardship & Finance

     Billboards, Bumper Stickers, and Signs about Tithing

1)  The Get Rich Quick Billboard

            Net Income Tithing only gets you

            Net Abundant Blessings

2)  The Political Bumper Sticker

            Jesus would have been a Republican

            He only asked for 10 percent

            The Democrats ask for everything

3)  The Hostile Church Sign

             You Give God the Credit

             Now Give God the Cash

4)  The Arrogant Church Sign

            Title If You Love Jesus

            Anyone can Honk   

-Tony Wright

From Finance for the month of June 2024

Church giving for the month of June 2024 was  $8,317 and year to date  $34,465

Church giving for the month of June 2023 was  $4,054 and year to date  $34,624

For the month of June our giving and Pastor sharing from Monitor totaled $11,696 while our expenses for June totaled $10,710.  We have helped the community through our essentials pantry through June in the amount of $1,821.  We also took $15,000 from the Doane fund during June which should cover any deficits through the end of the year.  The community dinner has been a huge success with many churches, clubs, and individuals preparing and serving the meals.  Cashmere Community Church is an asset to the community and you make it possible!   

          -Tony Wright, Treasurer

Martin’s Market Sales Receipts

Are you saving your receipts from Martin’s Market and bringing them to church? Put them in the basket in the Narthex and Chelsea Evans will pick them up, add them up and submit them to Martin’s. Thanks, Chelsea!

July 2024
1210 am SAILS5 pm Compassion Circle310 am Bible StudyFourth ofJuly56
710:30 am Worship at Cashmere Presbyterian Church 6 pm Ice Cream Social at CPC89:30 am, VBS at CCC4 pm Board of Vision & Ministry7 pm Youth at CPC 99:30 am, VBS at CCC
5 pm Compassion Circle
7 pm Youth at CPC
109:30 am VBS at CCC2 – 3 pm Essentials Pantry3 pm River St. Food Bank7 pm Youth at CPC 119:30 am VBS at CCC
5 pm CommunityMeal
7 pm Youth at CPC
129:30 am VBS at CCC
7 pm Youth at CPC

11 am WorshipCoffee Hour
151610 am SAILS
5 pm Compassion Circle
1710 am Bible Study1810 am SAILS
5 pm CommunityMeal
2111 am Inter-GenerationalWorshipCoffee Hour222310 am SAILS
5 pm Compassion Circle
2410 am Bible Study 2 – 3 pm Essentials Pantry3 pm River St. Food Bank2510 am SAILS
5 pm CommunityMeal
2811 am Stone Soup WorshipCoffee Hour293010 am SAILS
5 pm Compassion CircleNewsletterDeadline

Cashmere Community Church

213 South Division Street

Cashmere WA 98815

Pastor Lilia Felicitas-Malana

11 am Worship for All Address Correction Requested


Lake Wenatchee

“Keep close to Nature’s heart…and break clear away, once in awhile,

and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash you spirit clean.”

-John Muir